LED is an acronym for Light-Emitting Diode and refers to an electronic semiconductor device through which an electric current is passed in order to emit light. More efficient in operation than incandescent light bulbs and rarely subject to burning out, LEDs are used in a variety of different applications, including digital watches and flat-screen televisions. A work light is a light specifically manufactured for use in a particular job-related situation, such as for theater technicians, automobile mechanics, and marine applications. An LED work light is a work light that in addition to its other specifications being met, uses a Light-Emitting Diode, and the best LED work light to choose will be the one with the specs best suited to the job at hand.
There is a certain set of features that distinguish most LED work lights and reviewing them can help you determine if the LED work light you are considering is the best choice for you. The first important distinction is between the LED work light that is a separate device, as opposed to the one that is built into a tool. For example, the Milwaukee® 2629-22 M18 Compact Cordless Bandsaw has an LED work light built into the saw, but in most cases, the light is a separate device.
The first thing to look at in a separate LED work light is probably the type of light it is. Consider whether you need a spotlight, a floodlight, a flashlight, or a bar light. These types of light are each valuable, but not interchangeable. Once you have found a collection of lights of the sort that you need, you can begin to narrow your LED work light choice down by other features.
The power of the light is likely to be near the top of the list. If your work requires a high intensity light, nothing else will do. In addition, the size of the device producing the light can be critical: in certain work situations there is only so much room.
The work area will also be important in determining several other factors about the LED work light you are seeking. Consider if the light must be waterproof, or at least water resistant. Also think about whether the heat output is an important factor. Too hot a device can be uncomfortable in some situations.
The method for keeping the LED work light in position is another important factor. Work lights come in a variety of designs, including the flashlight model which has to be held or laid on its side, the bar light with a hook on one end, the light attached to a stand, the lamp on a tripod, the light on a pedestal mount, and the lamp on a gooseneck.
The power for the LED work light is another important consideration. If it runs off batteries, it is important to know the burn time and the recharge time. The way or ways available to charge the light might influence your decision. Other features that you may find include drop-resistance, overcharge protection, rotation and tilt of the light housing, and multiple LEDs.