Open source fonts are free fonts made available online that can be used or changed for any purpose, either commercial or non-commercial, without notifying the creators. The most common users of open source fonts are graphic and web designers, but anyone else who wants to add flair to a document or project may use them. Many open source font websites rely on user-generated fonts that are offered to help people find fonts that meet their needs, not to make a profit. The style of open source fonts is varied, and can be normal block text, cursive and fancy, or interesting and weird.
The open source movement is a predominantly online movement that is primarily concerned with open source software. While open source fonts do not receive the same amount of attention, they are equally important for many designers. These fonts follow the open source principle, which means they can be used for any purpose. A designer can use the fonts for commercial purposes, can change the font style, or do anything else, and will never have to inform the font's creator. The fonts are typically free, like most open source tools.
Most often, the users of open source fonts are designers. Graphic designers can use the fonts with their custom graphics, or type the font into marketing materials such as fliers or business cards. Web designers use the fonts online to create engaging websites. Common users, who just want to make a creative document or make an essay look better, can use such fonts as well.
Open source font websites are normally built through the work of their members. Users, who are typically not looking for profit, can submit their font creations to the website so that other members can download and use it. There is rarely any money made with open source fonts. Some professional designers may use the font as advertising to show others their skills, but some fonts are just made by people who enjoy creating them.
Within the open source font movement, there is no standard style or design. A wide array of different open source fonts exist, including basic block fonts used in regular documents or the body of paragraphs, and eccentric fonts used to quickly grab attention. Since most fonts are created by users and not by companies, there are large differences between each font's style.