There are quite a few different types of antivirus software packages, available from numerous software developers that provide computer users with a variety of tools and options. The simplest type of antivirus software provides basic functionality, usually the ability to scan a system for viruses and remove viruses and infected files from the system. More complex software can provide a wider range of tools, such as email scanning incorporated into the antivirus package and a broader range of malicious software that can be found by the program, such as spyware or Trojans. There are also some antivirus software packages that are a bit more specialized, such as portable programs that can be run from portable media and devices.
Antivirus software packages are programs people can use on their computers to find and deal with viruses. In their most basic form, antivirus programs scan a computer system for virus files and then allow that system’s user to deal with those files. This can often involve isolating or quarantining infected files and those files involved in the operation of the virus. These types of antivirus software packages can also allow users to remove files and viruses from a computer system. They should be updated regularly.
More elaborate types of antivirus software packages, can often include a wider array of tools and options for computer users. This can include the ability to scan incoming files as they are downloaded from the Internet onto a computer, before they are on a system and can potentially create problems. These programs may also be able to work with web browsing software to scan email documents and attachments to look for viruses and other threats before they end up on a computer. Some antivirus software packages even include the ability to scan for and deal with other types of malware, such as “spyware” that can illicitly monitor activity on a computer and “Trojans” that can exist unseen on a computer and give others remote access to it.
Other types of antivirus software packages may be developed for more specific purposes. These can include portable antivirus programs, which can be used on a system through a portable media format or mobile device. This allows computer users to easily carry an antivirus program around with them for use on systems other than their own. There are also antivirus software packages developed for specific purposes, such as software for use with mobile devices or on certain operating systems.