Off-site data protection refers to the practice of storing datum in a place other than where it is used. It is commonly used to protect important data, because it minimizes the risk of that data being lost in the event of natural disasters or hardware failure. It is also commonly used when the data cannot be safely stored at the site or when the data contain sensitive information. It is typically more expensive and more difficult to manage than on-site data storage, but it can be the best choice for many applications.
Off-site data protection is most commonly used to prevent data loss as a result of natural disasters or hardware failure. In this case, the data are stored at the original location and at an off-site location. In the event of a loss of data on-site, the off-site data can be used to recover the data. It is a wise idea for anyone with important datum to protect it by storing a backup of the datum off-site.
Another common reason to use off-site data protection is that the data cannot be stored safely at a particular location. For example, a corporation performing research in an unsafe environment, such as the desert or jungle, may find that it is safer to store the data elsewhere than to store it at that location. It is also commonly used by the military to store sensitive information, because it minimizes the risk of the data being accessed by unauthorized people.
There are a number of ways off-site data protection is implemented. The most common way is to use a remote backup service that automatically backs up computer files. The files are transmitted over the Internet and are stored at servers off-site. This is a convenient way to back up data and is also one of the least expensive options.
It is also possible to use physical media, such as CDs, magnetic tapes, or floppy disks, to store data. This is less common than using a remote backup service, because it is more difficult to implement. When dealing with sensitive material such as personal information, it may be a better option because it is more secure. Even though it is unlikely, it may be possible for a third party to intercept data submitted over the Internet, which makes physical media a more ideal way to store sensitive materials.
The storage facilities used in off-site data protection are typically very secure. They are often underground or in secure facilities. There are no laws that regulate these storage facilities, so it is important to ensure that a reputable service is used to store the data.