Storage resource management (SRM) is a technique and methodology technical professionals use to make computer memory storage better and easier on the network. If anything with memory storage or recovery is involved, then storage resource management typically works to improve its efficiency. One of the major benefits of SRM is that save times are decreased, and underused areas of the network are utilized. SRM professionals may even be able to find cheaper storage methods, so the business saves money. Many businesses double or nearly double their stored memory annually, and SRM helps keep that memory stable.
The storage resource management field is a broad one, because it deals with almost every area of storing computer memory. Three of the most common fields dealt with in SRM are storage, recovery and backing up or archiving data. An SRM professional may even be able to estimate how much memory a business will store in the future, so the business can allocate money to storing the forecasted data.
When an average computer user saves or backs up data, it normally doesn't take an excessive amount of time, even for a large file. With a business, where many computers are working simultaneously, poorly optimized storage may take hours, especially if the entire network is being backed up. To help the business run smoother, storage resource management professionals and programs work to speed storage times. There usually are portions of the network that go underused, and SRM finds these areas and optimizes them for better use.
Aside from saving time, storage resource management may be able to save on hardware expenses. Storing large amounts of data can be expensive, because machines and people are needed for the storage. SRM may be able to find cheaper hardware, hardware that needs less personnel or hardware that is able to hold more memory at a cheaper rate. Even if SRM cannot find equipment that costs less money, money still is being saved because workflow will be increased, and the network will be optimized.
Most businesses archive a lot of data, and the majority of businesses are doubling the amount of data they have annually. This means that businesses that do not have SRM may experience many problems with their storage endeavors and their associated networks. Servers may crash because they are not properly optimized, workflow may be slow because it takes a long time to store information, and businesses may have to spend more money because the network is not working properly for data storage.